227,000 reasons to love the movies. Cinema delivers biggest week of audiences since January 2020.
Val Morgan Cinema delivers its best full-week performance since January 2020.
227,000 Kiwis visited the cinema over the Easter week
Godzilla vs. Kong was the top performing film for the second consecutive week, achieving a monster performance of 71,000 admits
Family titles such as Peter Rabbit 2, dominated the top-ten movies of the week.
Val Morgan doubled-down on last week’s spectacular results posting a record-breaking Easter period, with 227,000 Kiwis visiting the cinema in the last full week (1-7 Apr 2021). The strong performance was the best full-week performance seen since January 2020, with a huge 48% of these audiences in the hard-to-reach 18-39 demographic.
Family titles dominated the top-ten movies of the week, drawing in impressive audience results as the Easter period kicked off across the country.
Peter Rabbit 2: The Runaway was the perfect Easter treat, bringing families together and delivering a hopping-mad 68,000 admits, only a whisker shy of top spot.
Nobody rounded out the top 3 movies of the week, with 15,000 admits, proving the power of cinema as the best medium for action-packed blockbuster titles.
But it was Godzilla vs. Kong that again took home the chocolates, continuing to gain momentum and exceed forecasts, achieving a monster performance of 71,000 admits.
The results proved once again that audiences are craving high-budget first-run content. In a recent EVENT Cinemas survey of 7.500 regular cinemagoers, 91% of respondents indicated their intent to rush out to see this year's blockbusters titles.
“The audience growth we’ve seen this Easter proves that Kiwis are actively seeking out social entertainment experiences outside of the home. Cinema provides audiences with just the ticket.
With locked-in Hollywood content and a pent-up demand for blockbuster titles, Val Morgan is the best platform to provide brands big-screen attention amongst the most valuable audience in New Zealand.” Mr. Matt Tremain, Sales Director, NZ of Val Morgan said.
With momentum continually building week-on-week, strong results are expected to continue over the next 3 months with brands already beginning to take advantage of highly anticipated blockbuster titles such as Mortal Kombat, Fast & Furious 9, Top Gun: Maverick, Black Widow and Space Jam 2.
Source: EVENT, Hospitality and Entertainment. Cinebuzz member online survey conducted February 2021 - % all YES responses to watching at least 1 (one) of these titles at the cinema if released in the next month (Peter Rabbit 2).