Priscilla Presley’s Reaction To Baz Luhrmann’s Elvis

Priscilla Presley rated Austin Butler’s portrayal of her ex-husband as “outstanding”. She went on to express her love for the film, and described it as “a true story told brilliantly and creatively that only Baz, in his unique artistic way, could have delivered.

She shared over social media last week that Baz Luhrmann had hosted a private screening for her and former manager, Jerry Schilling.  

Harry Styles, Ansel Elgort and Miles Teller all pursued the highly desired role of Elvis. Priscilla believes Baz Luhrmann made the right choice by going with Butler. 

Priscilla acknowledged the pressure Austin Butler must have felt when taking on the role of the King. “He had big shoes to fill”. She mentioned that Austin “was extremely nervous playing this part”. She was astounded by his performance, and went on to say, “Halfway through the film Jerry and I looked at each other and said WOW!!! Bravo to him.”  

Austin Butler was not the only one who received praise from Priscilla. “Tom Hanks was Col Parker in this film. What a character he was. There was two sides to Colonel, Jerry and I witnessed both. The story, as we all know, does not have a happy ending. But I think you will understand a little bit more of Elvis’ journey, penned by a director who put his heart and soul and many hours into this film”. 

Butler expressed that he was determined to dedicate “everything he has” to his performance in the film. This included taking vocal lessons to resemble Elvis’ voice. His goal when he began the process was to make get his voice “to be identical” to Elvis’. He mentioned that he feels an incredible amount of responsibility to Elvis, Priscilla and all the people around the world who love and adore him.  

Based off Priscilla Presley’s overwhelmingly positive reaction to the film, we know Elvis simply cannot disappoint.  

Elvis hits the cinemas June 23. 


Elvis receives 12 minute standing ovation at Cannes Film Festival, and Lisa Marie Presley’s response brings Austin Butler to tears


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