
Released 28th November 2024

Platinum | P25-54, Females

Experience the untold magic in Wicked, as Ariana Grande, Cynthia Erivo, and Jonathan Bailey redefine good and wicked in this enchanting saga of friendship, power, and the origins of Oz.

The Wicked stage production premiered in 2003 and since then has broken box office records around the world with the Broadway and London productions setting records for the highest weekly gross in 2011.

In 2016, Wicked hit $1 billion at the Broadway box office becoming the fastest that a Broadway production has achieved this milestone. After achieving this milestone Wicked, then went on to surpass The Phantom of the Opera at the Broadway box office, becoming the 2nd highest grossing Broadway show of all time.


Audience profile

The Christmas-New Year period is historically the biggest time for cinema and is a particularly strong time for musicals, with 7 of the top 10 musicals ever being released across Dec-Jan, including the comparable family-musical The Greatest Showman. Having been seen by more than 50 million fans around the world, Wicked provides brands with the perfect opportunity to align with the biggest musical blockbuster of 2024.


Female / Male audience split




Mid-life households


Big spenders

Source: CineTAM Live comparable title


Ariana Grande

Cynthia Erivo

Jonathan Bailey

Watch the trailer

Wicked tells the story of Elphaba, the future Wicked Witch of the West and her relationship with Glinda, the Good Witch of the North. Their friendship struggles through their opposing personalities and viewpoints, rivalry over the same love-interest, their reactions to the Wizard's corrupt government, and, ultimately, Elphaba's public fall from grace. The plot is set mostly before Dorothy's arrival from Kansas, and includes several references to well-known scenes and dialogue in the 1939 film The Wizard of Oz as a backstory.

Keep up with the latest news on Wicked.

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